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New Pay Deck Features You Should Know About

April 25, 2022
Brand’s Pay Deck has always been a great tool for employers to manage their payroll, but we've recently added two new features to make accessing your payroll information even easier.

Brand’s Pay Deck has always been a great tool for employers to manage their payroll, but we've recently added two new features to make accessing your payroll information even easier.

1.       Checks can be printed directly from the dashboard.

Employers looking for a quick way to print manual checks can now simply click Manual Checks on the dashboard to send the processing request. From here, users can print the check or view it at any time in Generated Reports.

2.      Paystubs can be printed from the Pay History tab

Employers can print out paystubs while viewing the Pay History. Select individual checks or multiple checks and print them all at once!

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